Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Anaerobic Exercise

We’ve all heard of aerobic exercise, but have you heard of anaerobic exercise?
While “aerobic” means “with oxygen,” anaerobic means “without air" or "without oxygen." Anaerobic exercise is short-lasting, high-intensity activity, where your body’s demand for oxygen exceeds the oxygen supply available. Anaerobic exercise relies on energy sources that are stored in the muscles and, unlike aerobic exercise, is not dependent on oxygen from (breathing) the air. Examples of anaerobic exercise include: heavy weight-lifting, all types of sprints (running, biking, etc.), jumping rope, hill climbing, interval training, isometrics, or any rapid burst of hard exercise.

Anaerobic exercise uses your muscles at a high intensity for a short period of time. Overall, anaerobic exercise develops stronger muscles, improves cardio-respiratory fitness and helps develop a resistance to fatigue.

 Pick a time (1 min. ea) or a rep count (30) for each exercise. Perform 2-3 circuits, resting as needed.
A balanced exercise plan, combining aerobic and anaerobic, will help you lose the most fat and develop a fit looking physique. So if your fitness routine is getting stale, or if you have it a plateau, try incorporating some new moves to reignite both your motivation and metabolism.
Squat Jumps
Jumping Jacks
Wall Sit
Side Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Crab Walk
Plank Hold

Squat Jumps: Squat down deep, touch the floor, jump up reaching for the sky.
Pushups: Start with full plank position style, even if you can only manage one before changing to bent knees.
Jumping Jacks: Go big and wide. 
Wall Sit: Back and shoulders against wall, knees at 90 degrees, hang out in “sit” position. 
Dips: Find anything stable (weight bench, hotel chair, car bumper, park bench) and do bench-style dips off it.
Crab Walk: Like a bear crawl except facing up. Get into a reverse face up position then walk around on your hands and feet, excellent for tricep endurance.
Plank Hold: Do it correctly—core engaged, pelvis neutral, no back swaying or teepee butt (no downward dog) and don’t sink into your shoulders or let your shoulder blades pop off your back. 

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