Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fat Loss Challenge Workouts

21 Day Fat Loss Challenge Workouts

You can do these workouts with dumbbells, resistance bands, vegetable cans water bottles or bodyweight, whatever you have on hand!

Your first week schedule will look like this:
Day 1: Workout A
Day 2: Cardio 1
Day 3: Workout B
Day 4: Cardio 2
Day 5: Workout C
Day 6: Cardio 3
Day 7: Active Rest: Housework, Handwash car, Play with Kids, Sports, Gardening, or if you are totally wiped, just plain REST.

Next week, we may change up the routines, stay tuned and see! Check daily for tips for success.

Workout A

Squats w/Shoulder Press 20x
Squat Jumps 20x
Pushups 20x
Lunge w/Bicep Curl 10x per leg
Jump Lunges 20x
Dips 20x
Bicycle Crunches 20x

Go through these exercises in order without rest. Each circuit is 1 round.

Beginners perform 3 rounds, as quickly as possible (or 20 min.) whichever comes first. If squat jumps are too difficult, perform 30 reg. squats. Rest as needed.

Advanced perform 4 rounds, as quickly as possible (or 20 min.) whichever comes first.

Workout B

Back Rows 20x
Single Leg Step-ups on Bench (or step, chair) 10x per leg
Push ups w/one leg raised 20x
Sumo squats w/shoulder Front Raise 20x
Burpees 20x
Dips w/one leg raised 20x
Plank Jacks 20x  (plank position, move legs as if doing jumping jacks)

Go through these exercises in order without rest. Each circuit is 1 round.

Beginners perform 3 rounds, as quickly as possible (or 20 min.) whichever comes first. Rest as needed.

Advanced perform 4 rounds, as quickly as possible (or 20 min.) whichever comes first.

Workout C

Jump Squats 25x
Push-up with back row 15x per side
Side Lunge tapping floor 15x per side
Triangle (tricep) Push-ups 25x
Sumo squat jumps 25x
Stationary Lunge w/Hammer Curl 15x per side
Plank Twisters 15 per side

Remember, if you aren’t a little uncomfortable, you aren’t working hard enough. However, if you feel dizzy or faint at any time, please STOP.
If you have extra energy and time, do a little steady state cardio for another 10-20 minutes.

Burpees: From standing position, crouch down so your hands are on the floor in front of you, jump your feet back so you are in a plank position, jump your feet back into crouch position and stand up. That’s one rep.

Mountain climbers: Get in a plank position and bring one knee towards your belly button, alternating legs, move as quickly as you can. (Like running in place in a plank position)

Single Leg Reach: Standing with feet shoulder width apart, bend over at waist, on single leg, while reaching out in front of you with opposite arm. Return to starting position and repeat with other leg. For a demonstration, go to Youtube and type in “anterior leg reach” in search option.

Plank Twisters: Start in a plank position. Bring your right knee towards your left hip bone. As your right leg straightens your left knee should come towards your right hip bone.

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