Friday, July 20, 2012

Fit Tips Friday - Healthy Eating

Many people know that they need to change their eating habits – but they aren’t sure how to begin. They see pictures of skinny bodies in magazines, and hard bodies on social sites like facebook and believe that they will never look like those photos, so why even try? The truth is that the models in magazines are not the average woman and most of us won’t have the ripped hard bodies that we see in motivational photos. And that’s ok. The main point is that everyone needs to eat healthy and exercise for their overall health. What may work for some people is not going to work for others. You have to find you own path to health.

Learning to eat healthier can be an overwhelming task. If you try to change too much too soon, you are likely to get discouraged and give up. For the next few weeks, we are going to do a series of fit tips to help you make healthier habits, a few at a time.

This week we are going to start with the basics.

Tip 1   Write it down.
To know what you need to change, you need to know exactly what you are eating and drinking. Start a journal in which you write down every single morsel, bite, nibble, and sip that goes in your mouth. No mindless munching. Record where you eat and how you feel. Tired? Angry? Bored? – write it down.

Tip 2   Eat Breakfast.
Yea, yea, I know – you aren’t hungry in the morning. But the National Weight Control Registry has found that people who eat breakfast eat fewer calories during the day. Not only that, studies shows that after they members lost weight, eating breakfast help them to keep the weight off.

Tip 3   Don’t Drink your Calories.
Choose low or no calories drinks such as water, tea, coffee or a small amount of no sugar added fruit juice. Most beverages are nothing but empty calories loaded with sugar.

That’s it for this week. For the next 7 days, concentrate on these 3 things – that’s all. That way you do not become overwhelmed and your journal will help you determine your worst eating habits. Next week we’ll tackle those habits.

Don’t forget, as with eating, you need to change your physical habits as well. This week, if you are a beginner, start walking 2-3 times a week.


Mindy Bobe said...

Awesome tips!!! I really need to start writing what I eat down...I do a lot of mindless snacking that I so don't need to do.

Tara Burner said...

great tips Lori :)

Julie said...

Thanks for the tips. Hey, you need to get a follow by e-mail gadget. I am loving your advice and thoughts and would really like to get them in my in-box. I forget to go and check sometimes.
Anyways, thanks for the tips.