Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What the hell am i doing?

Heaven knows i may regret this one! 

One of my fellow bloggers has issued a challenge to do a video every day in the month of August. Now, while I know I will not be able to do a video every day, this challenge may push me past my comfort zone to do something different. For those who do not know me, I am a little camera shy – so videos are friggen terrifying! Here is my first video, short and sweet - an introduction to my blog.

Tell me, do you watch fitness and health videos on YouTube?


Rachelle Q said...

I really want to start doing Vlogs, but just haven't taken the time. Nice job and nice to put a face to your blog:)

getfitchick said...

Thanks Hiker Mom!

Running, Loving, Living said...

Great job Lori!!!! So excited to put a face and voice to all our online conversations. I try to vlog every so often but it is definitely out of my comfort zone!!! Nice to learn more about you too!!! I think I saw you were going to Fitbloggin, I am too, cant wait to meet you IRL!!!