Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 15 of the 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge

Ok, this is the final week of the fat loss challenge. Pick the workouts that challenged you the most, and repeat them for your Weight Workout Intervals. There are also two additional routines you can choose from.  Now is not the time to lose's only one more week! At the end of the program, i will post information on how to enter a maintenance eating program so that you do not regain the pounds that you have worked so hard to lose!

Remember, you can do these workouts with dumbbells, resistance bands, vegetable cans water bottles or bodyweight, whatever you have on hand!

Your third week schedule will look like this:
Day 1: Workout A
Day 2: Cardio 1
Day 3: Workout B
Day 4: Cardio 2
Day 5: Workout C
Day 6: Cardio 3
Day 7: 300 Challenge Workout

This week you can choose any routine from the A,B and C workouts, the Tabata workouts, or the 300 Challenge.

Go through the exercises in order without rest. Each circuit is 1 round.

Beginners perform 3 rounds, as quickly as possible (or 20 min.) whichever comes first. If squat jumps are too difficult, perform 30 reg. squats. Rest as needed.

Advanced perform 4 rounds, as quickly as possible (or 20 min.) whichever comes first.

Remember, if you aren’t a little uncomfortable, you aren’t working hard enough. However, if you feel dizzy or faint at any time, please STOP.
If you have extra energy and time, do a little steady state cardio for another 10-20 minutes.

Here are two additional bonus workouts to choose from:

Tabatas are 20 seconds work, 10 seconds recovery, for eight sequences

Five rounds:
Tabata sit-ups
Tabata stiff leg dead lift with dumbbell
Tabata mountain climb
Tabata burpees
Tabata push-ups

Tabatas are 20 seconds work, 10 seconds recovery, for eight sequences

Circuit: 5 exercises, 15 reps of each movement.  Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Rest 60 sec. between rounds.

Squat Jacks
Burpee with Mountain Climber – After your legs jump back, bring knees up to do 2     mountain climbers, then jump feet forward and stand back up. = 1 rep
Plank Jacks
Wide Outs
Side Plank Raises x 10 reps each side

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